Strata & Community Living Winter 2018
2018 Winter Edition
External Cladding
Our Sustainable Future
Scam Aware
Window Locks Now Compulsory
External Cladding
NSW Fair Trading has been advising strata managing agents on its website to undertake a check to see if any buildings under their management contain aluminium cladding; ensure each buildings’ annual fire safety statements are up-to-date; engage a fire safety professional to review and inspect the cladding as well as to advise on any steps that might need to be taken to improve fire safety; and immediately take any action required.
Our Sustainable Future
High rise buildings have, for some time, been subject to energy start ratings. This is much like the energy star ratings on household appliances. These tell consumers how energy efficient a device is and encourages us to consider our purchase against the cost of our electricity bills.
Scam Aware
At the end of May this year the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) ran a Scams Awareness Week in which it asked consumers to take a moment and ‘Stop and check: is this for real?’.
According to the ACCC last year Australians lost $340 million to scammers, which they say is a record, but the figure could be much higher. Many people don’t report this crime as they are embarrassed, or they think it was such a small amount that they will cut their losses and learn from the experience.
Window Locks Now Compulsory
All strata schemes in NSW were required by 13 March 2018 to have fitted external windows with safety devices where the internal floor is more than 2 metres above the external surface outside and within a child’s reach (less than 1.7 metres above the internal floor).
If a strata scheme does not have devices installed, the owners corporation can be fined up to $550 for non-compliance if convicted by a court. Owners who obstruct an owners’ corporation can also be fined.