Strata & Community Living Winter 2016
Strata Regulations Reviewed? At the end of April the NSW Government released the draft Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016 and draft Strata Schemes Regulation 2016 for public comment. There are a number of areas of concern for SCA (NSW).
2016 Winter Edition
Strata Regulations Reviewed
Staying Warm This winter
Strata Still Booming
Strata Snip-its
New Concerns Voiced by SCA (NSW)
One proposal is that tenants meet prior to an AGM to elect a tenant representative. SCA (NSW) believes this will add another unnecessary layer of red tape to an already complicated AGM process. It would also add costs to owners for its administration.
Another area of concerns is that governing window locks. Under the draft Regulations there is no requirement for window lock installers to be certified. SCA (NSW) strongly believes that certification surrounding window safety device installations is essential.
Additionally, there is no provision in this regulation that requires the re-certification that these devices are compliant. As with other essential compliance items such as smoke alarms, window safety devices should be subject to a cycle of re-certification.
Staying Warm This Winter
Ever wondered how to stay warm this winter without doubling your energy bill?
Here are some tips on how to survive the cooler months without facing an excessive bill later.
Strata Still Booming
With more than half of Sydney’s population expected to dwell in strata schemes by the year 2030, more strata community schemes, apartment complexes and especially greener, high-density housing developments are expected to grace the city landscape.
Strata Snip-its
- Strata Owners Day 2016
- Scam Watch – Property Investment Schemes
- Scam Watch – Fake Surveys & Gift Cards