Complaints Policy and Procedures
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that complaints are handled, fairly, efficiently and effectively.
Our Aim
Conti Strata is committed to ensuring that any person or organisation using the strata management services provided by Conti Strata has the right to lodge a complaint and to have their concerns addressed to ensure accountability and transparency.
Conti Strata will provide a complaints management procedure that;
- is straightforward and easy to use
- is accessible to all clients via the Conti Strata website
- ensures complaints are fairly assessed and responded to promptly
What will happen if I make a complaint to Conti Strata?
- you will be treated with respect
- you will be keep kept informed during the complaints procedure
- your privacy will be protected
- complaint handling will be conducted with fairness and transparency
- reasons for outcomes of complaint investigations will be provided
What can I complain about?
It is not the purpose of this policy to allow a person or organisation to complain about any decisions reached by Owners Corporations which they do not agree with. You may however lodge a complaint if you feel a consultation process was not followed or was defective.
You may also lodge a complaint of a financial nature.
How do I make a complaint?
You may make a complaint in writing or verbally however written notification is preferable to;
- the staff member you were dealing with at the time, unless you are making a complaint about that person
- a Supervising Senior Strata Manager
- the Principal/Managing Director
- NSW office of Fair Trading;
- Strata Community Association;
Who handles my complaint?
- if the complaint is in relation to services delivered by Conti Strata, the complaint will be handled by the relevant manager
- if the complaint is in relation to a financial issue, the complaint will be handled by the Licensee in Charge/Principal/Managing Director
- if the complaint is in relation to a staff member, the complaint will normally be dealt with by the relevant manager
- if the complaint is about a senior staff member, the complaint will be handled by the Principal/Manging Director
- if the complaint is about Principal/Managing Director your complaint can be lodged with the Office of Fair Trading and/or SCA as previously stated
- internal staff complaints will be handled according to the Grievance Policy and Procedures of Conti Strata contained in the Employee Manual
Written complaints should be forwarded to the Conti Strata office and relevant Supervising Manager will be responsible for forwarding it the appropriate person.
Complaints Management Procedure
The person managing the complaint will be responsible for;
1. Registering the complaint:
- Forward the complaint to the Operations Complaint will be recorded in the Conti Strata Complaints Register or Financial Complaints register
- Informing the complainant that their complaint has been received and providing them with information regarding the process and expected time frames for investigation and resolution.
2. Investigating the complaint
- Investigating the complaint within 5 working days of the complaint being received
- Informing the complainant by letter within 7 working days of the complaint being received of what is being done to investigate and expected resolution time
Where possible and practical, complaints and appeals will be handled to resolution within 7 working dates of being received. If for some reason this time frame cannot be met the complainant will be advised of reasons why and alternative time frames provided.
3. Resolving the Complaint
- Making a decision or referring to the appropriate people for a decision within 7 working days of the complaint being received.
- Informing the complainant of the outcome and offering options for further action if
4. What if I’m not happy with the resolution?
- If you are unhappy with the outcome of the complaints investigation, you may lodge a complaint with the Office of Fair Trading and/or the SCA
Record Keeping
A register of complaints and financial complaints will be kept by Conti Strata. The registers will be maintained by the Operations department and will record the following for each complaint;
- Strata Plan Number complaint relates to
- details of the complainant and the nature of the complaint
- date lodged
- action taken
- date of resolution and reason for decision
- indication of complainant being notified of outcome
- complainant response and any further action
Copies of all correspondence received by Conti Strata in relation to any complaints will be kept for 7 years.
The Complaints Register and Financial Complaints Register and files will be confidential and access is restricted to the Manging Director and Operations team