Financial Fitness.
Continually assessing your financial health.

Unsurpassed Financial Reporting

In accordance with the Property Stock and Business Agent Act 2002, Conti Strata prepares six monthly financial reports. A copy of the report is forwarded to the strata scheme’s Treasurer and is also available to any owner upon request.

Separate Trust Accounts

Conti Strata operates a separate bank account for each strata scheme in its portfolio. All trust accounts are held with Macquarie Bank. Your accounts are reconciled on a daily basis to ensure that all accounts are up-to-date.

BAS and Annual Tax Returns

We utilise the most advanced software for GST accounting functions with comprehensive reporting, receipting and payment facilities. Our expert and highly trained authorised personnel will prepare, lodge, and reconcile your Business Activity Statements (BAS) and Annual Tax Returns. The Managing Director, Joe Conti is also a Registered BAS Agent.

Strata tax agent