Strata & Community Living Winter 2021

conti strata community living winter

NSW Consumers the Big Winners under Professional Standards Scheme.

The New South Wales Strata Sector is now leading the way for the Property Industry with the highest form of consumer protection regulation approved by the Government to commence 1 July 2021.

2021 Winter Edition

Professional Standards Scheme
Strata Committee
Smart Meters


Professional Standards Scheme

  • The SCA (NSW) will oversee and self-regulate the conduct of all members within a structured professional framework.
  • In addition to our internal complaints handling process, the Professional Standards Scheme brings a further robust and independent complaints handling process, ensuring clients can be assured of an independent review and response.
  • An increase in Continual Professional Development (CPD) requirements for Strata Managers and Licensee’s in Charge, ensuring the industry remains up to date, educated and aware of their on-going responsibilities to the consumer.

Strata Committee

A strata committee does more than manage the day-to-day operations of a strata scheme; they also are the elected representatives of lot owners and owners’ nominees. In this article, SCA (NSW)  shares the top 10 considerations for selecting the best strata committee for your strata scheme.


Do you know what levies apply to you as a lot owner? In this article, SCA (NSW) outlines the various levies in NSW strata schemes and some of the financial penalties and support that may be enforced by your owners’ corporation to help you better manage your levy obligations.

Smart Meters

The Federal Government is gradually rolling out smart meters to replace old-style electrical meter units. For strata schemes, there is added complexity and costs when installing smart meters.

In recent years, the options for electricity supply in strata schemes, including installation and how costs are divided, have changed significantly.

Since late 2017, the Australian Government has implemented electricity industry-wide reforms enabling energy suppliers to install their own meters, which previously could only be done by Ausgrid.

Now, energy suppliers Australia-wide are calling for the installation of smart meters. To help you understand what this change could mean for your strata scheme, SCA (NSW) answers some of the frequently asked questions about smart meters in strata schemes.


Strata Community Association NSW